About Us

Canada Aviation Academy Inc. (CAAI) previously known as Tylair Aviation Ltd. was approved as a Flight Training Unit by Transport Canada Civil Aviation in March 2013. In 2016 we got the Designation status from Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills and Training[Presently Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills], British Columbia (BC), followed by the Education Quality Assurance Designation by AEST, BC in 2017. In 2018 we received Designated Learning Institution Number (DLI#) O259092443252 from Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada (IRCC); getting the DLI# enables us to invite overseas students to come and get trained with us.

In 2020, The Faculty of Applied & Technical Studies of The University of The Fraser Valley (UFV) recognized CAAI to provide collaboration teaching on several Aviation certificate and diploma programs. UFV and CAAI are currently not providing any Joint Aviation Related Programs.

Canada Aviation Academy Inc. is presently providing training at the Abbotsford International Airport, British Columbia.

Mission Statement

“To leave every customer completely satisfied with their choice to employ our services”

We will accomplish this by fulfilling the dreams of our customers as they seek out experience or license in aviation. We will provide them with down home, friendly service and aviation advice from skilled members of our trade. Our immensely experienced staff will help you navigate your flight with honesty and reliability.